Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Stuck at the Crossroads

Time to catch my breath. Time to clear my head and focus on me. Now, what should I do with this time to myself? Do something for my family maybe? Being a wife & mom is a never ending battle and sometimes I feel like I'm losing. I don't get up and fix my husband breakfast like I should. I don't cook every night like I should. I really feel like my house is a mess no matter how many times I clean up. I always feel behind in everything. I can't seem to get on top of things. I also, don't have time to take care of myself. I feel fat even ugly sometimes. My hair is never done. I hardly wear make-up. I don't shop for clothes nor do I shop for shoes anymore. I don't paint my toes or get my eyebrows waxed anymore. I feel like a failure, but I know I try. I just wish I knew my life's path. I wish I knew my purpose in life. I could just find my passion. confused.

One thing is for sure is that I love my family with all of my heart and soul. Nobody is better than my husband. Nobody kisses me like him. Nobody loves me like him. He is the one thing in my life that I am sure of. Well him and Jr. :-) 


Bonnie@ The Hopeless Romantic said...

OH Sweet Valencia, im sorry that ur feeling alittle left behind with things. Im sure u lead a really busy life with a little one underfoot...Sorry to hear ur feelin blue. I often check ur blog and was surprised and happy that i could visit u today. Ive tried for the longest time , but puter keeps saying that i need an invitation..Anyway , my heart sunk some after i read ur words. I know it prob doesnt help much but, this is something that all young mothers tend to go thru....A baby is a full time job, and can be quite draining on the body and the mind. Sometimes making us feel inadaquite in every aspect..Sometimes to the point of needing professional help...But most of the time every mother,especially a new one, needs a break from her child and all the duties of caring for him ...Sounds like u need some "girl" time...Ive raised 2. Trust me i know these things, LOL. There were times i was so exhausted, i fell asleep without even taking a bath. Yuk, right......I will be thinking of u.....Anytime ya wanna talk, my dear blogger friend, im here, email me, ile even give u my# if ude like to call and talk to an old pro. LOL........Take care..............Bonnie

Valencia C. said...

awww thanks for your kind words. Lately, I have been confused on what to do with my life. I get so many opinions on my life that I question my own decisions. My husband & I decided that I will be staying home with the baby until he gets a little older. It's hard because people don't get why I want to stay home. They feel that I'm wasting my life. I don't care, but when I hear it so much, I question myself, and what's good for my family..

& I'm always soooo busy with the baby that I barely get time to do anything. I love him and can't wait to have another one, but caring for him can sometimes be stressful. I'm trying to get into a routine with him, but it's hard. You're so right I really need a break sometimes!! Thank you for the words they really did put a smile on my face. They were exactly what I needed to hear!

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